My Favorite Book Lately

Yes, I love reading, but I'm not your average NERD who reads until he forgets his meals. I get obsessed with different books at different times. My current favorite book is (The 39 clues).Okay, it's a childish book, with collector's cards and stuff, and also a whole webpage to it (it's at and it's quite costly(in Singapore). The pricing (in Popular bookstore because I only know that bookstore's price for these books) is $24.90 in Singapore and if you have time to go to Malaysia to buy this book it's RM41.90 which is the equivalent of about $17.83333...or to round it up, $17.83. There are 10 books in all and each cost the price above. If you are attracted, comment me.

Note: Though the fact that this is an average blog, this book to me is not in an average position.

My thoughts.(LA Assignment)

I read a very touching article on Friday that I felt that I had to share with all my readers. It is about a young woman which, had a disease that affected her in her walking and her thinking. Yet she has climbed Mount Kinabalu, the tallest mountain in South-East Asia, and also wrote a book that has been read by at least 3,000 people.She strived in her ambition, and made it true although her father and her best friend have died of cancer. Miss Oh is the person that made it through. She said that her best friend was the one that motivated her to achieve her ambition and she was sad when she learned of her death. She quoted that nothing is imposible in life. If you are willing to succeed, you will succeed.

Another boring day

Today is a very boring day. My exams have passed, but I'm not like those lucky dudes out there. I am banned from playing any console I have(not that I have any), mainly because I got a bad grade, especially in Geography. I liked it, but I then understood it wasn't about the world. Not yet, at least. Ah, the weekends rock for some of my readers, but, (sigh) not for me. Well mainly because I'm a scholar and we're supposed to not do anything but study.

An average post

Today I have an average day (again). I had an average breakfast, then I went to an average school, then the teacher gave us AVERAGE homework (tons and tons of it) followed by an average lunch, after that I had an average sports time. When I reached my average home, I stuck in front of my PC and watched Youtube and chatted on Facebook for FOUR CONSECUTIVE HOURS. My day waaas boooooring. Hope you had a better day than me and DID NOT do something too normal today

Today's news

I will share with all one of the news I read in The Straits Times. This article is entitled "14 years on, liver transplant girl weds". It is about a young girl, which is Singapore's first successful child transplant recipient. This girl's name is Raziah Begum Alangir.

To me,this is a very touching story, where a girl lives on although she has been diagnosed of liver failure. Her doctor, Associate Professor K. Prabhakaran, treated her like as if she was his daughter. Even though she had to take her medication often and suffer through all the hardships when she was sick, 14 years later, she came through it all with a wonderful marriage.

My thoughts about this news article is that if we persevere through the hard times, we will definitely get the reward, and the result will be the same as the effort we put into it. We must learn from the girl in the article, as to solve our problems during our life and not be afraid of the hardships that face us in life.